We never truly know the power of our underlying essence until we can completely still the mind. The adventure in Big Bear Lake California had been one magical encounter after another. These were simple interactions; yet the amazing is found in the mundane. Santos and I began our stroll from the condo to Holloway's marina approximately one half mile away. The Lake had been quite busy and our hope was to rent a small pontoon boat to take an afternoon cruise on the water. As we made the downhill stroll toward the marina we encountered an overwhelmed employee on a golf cart who asked, "Hello, what can I do for you guys?" I replied, "Good afternoon. My friend and I were hoping to rent a pontoon boat this afternoon and took a chance that we might get lucky." She went on to say how busy the day had been and if we would be interested in coming back tomorrow. We explained that our trip was soon coming to a close and tomorrow wasn't an option. We continued to make engaging conversation with her until I felt a palpable energy shift. Out of the blue her body moved to the right and she stated" I have a feeling that someone just cancelled. Why don't you boys walk down to the dock and see if I am correct." At that moment I exclaimed to Santos, "Not only will a boat be available, but we will rent the exact boat that we require, the small one." Santos smiled and gave that look that said, "Here goes Smith again." I approached the counter and the kind lady asked me to wait one moment. When she returned a moment later, she asked what she could do for us. I explained that we wanted to rent a pontoon boat. She laughed and said, "I just got off the phone with someone who cancelled their reservation for a small pontoon boat. It must be your lucky day." I turned to Santos and smiled.

The boat ride was extremely serene and peaceful and enjoyed by both parties. The best part was that everyone on the Lake appeared to be having an amazing time. It was so beautiful to see so many people so happy and engaged. Big Bear Lake is an amazingly vibrant place during the summertime. As we exited Holloway's and began to return to the condo, Santos captured this interesting photo just in front of us. Never a confirmation. It all depends on your willingness to surrender and have unadulterated faith. As we begin to slow down our lives to be able to live in the moment, the universe will deliver unique and interesting encounters that are a benefit to everyone involved. The moment we put out the energy of peace. The more the universe will return that to you in kind. Thank you for taking the time to read the words and may you all have INFINITE BLESSINGS come your way. All grace and glory to my guru SWAMI ATMACHAITHANYA.