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Shaman Steve

When Spirit got loud enough for me to listen.

I never imagined that I would ever write a blog or a poem when I was younger. Growing up in Paradise Hills in San Diego CA, my early life was all consumed by sports. I loved to play baseball. I remember as a youth playing all the sports in a cul de sac down the street. We had to get home when the street lights came on, right? I honestly never enjoyed writing and never earnestly pursued it. I did what was necessary to do well in the school system.

Flash forward to the year 2008 when I had the experience that changed my direction and focus. I met my guru Swami Atmachaithanya from Kerala, India and learned Mantra Meditation from him. The one thing that meditation does is it that helps to slowly change the focus from yourself to a broader perspective. I have been willing to face the trials and tribulations of the path so to speak. As such, I have been blessed with greater adventures with Spirit. The path has its ups and downs but similar to climbing a mountain you simply keep taking steps forward to reach the pinnacle.

Speaking of mountains, it was the winter of 2018 and I was in Big Bear CA with the family to enjoy a winter wonderland. We had over 12 inches of snowfall one evening which made the morning walk exquisite. The landscape looked and felt like perfection. I was sitting in the condo upstairs looking at the views and enjoying a glass of wine(Ghost Pines-Cabernet). I can still taste the delicious nectar in my mouth even though I haven't taken a drink in almost 2 years ago. An excellent wine that is inexpensive for its quality but that is a tale for another blog.

It was early afternoon and I heard a distinct buzzing in my right ear. It was a buzzing like nothing I had experienced before. My intuition told me to just get up and write it! I stood up and declared to the skies that, "OK. I will write the poem. I give up. You win." I laugh now at the memory. Below is what I wrote. I had completed my sun gazing protocol a few months earlier and this was to honor the gift of freedom the Sun/Son of God helped to give to me.

I don't even remember if I called myself Shaman Steve at this point in my journey. This was the start and I have probably written close to 1,000 poems since then. I don't claim to be any poetry titles. I am merely a conduit for a message that my higher consciousness has to convey. Does that make sense? The point is to keep taking steps and don't get so discouraged that you give up. The most glorious reward is just around the corner. Have the faith and confidence to believe that. Thank you for taking the time to read the message. I am your humble servant.


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